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Update: MNTRA MNDALA Engine v2.4.1 – Improvements & Enhancements

mntra mndala 2.4.1 update

MNTRA has updated the MNDALA Animistic Sound Design Engine with improvements and fixes to enhance your digital music creation experience. The MNDALA engine is needed to run all of MNTRA’s instruments.

What’s new in MNDALA v2.4.1?

General Enhancements:

  • Memory Optimization: Experience mild to massive performance improvements based on your system specifications.
  • Round Robin Enhancement: Noticeable performance improvements, especially on slower or older machines.
  • Improved Download Queuing: Queued downloads now start correctly once previous downloads have finished.
  • MacOS: MNDALA 2 now uses the User Application Support folder, ensuring smoother operation for non-admin users and eliminating admin permission issues.
  • Autosync: Cache flushing now works correctly.
  • Library: Fixed icon alignment for server-pulled instruments.
  • MIDI Muter: Optimized test conditions for better performance.
  • Installer: Fixed UI issue during uninstall when no instrument is loaded.
  • Empty Instrument Loading Disabled: Prevents loading a blank instrument when restoring a DAW session.
  • Tuning System Enhancement: Added tuning presets to stock tunings and the raga category.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Settings Improvement: Relocating an instrument’s samples no longer requires restarting MNDALA.
  • Missing Sample Popup: You’ll now be prompted to relocate instrument samples when loading a preset if any are missing.
  • Offline Credentials Format Update: Updated for improved security.
  • OpenGL Removal: The ability to use OpenGL for preferences and general operations has been removed.
  • EULA Update: Our sounds are explicitly prohibited from being used for AI training or machine learning purposes.

To Install:

  1. Download the installer from
  2. Run the installer (it will automatically install over any older versions of MNDALA 2)

MNTRA Instruments

Powered by the Animistic Synthesis Engine – MNDALA 2, MNTRA’s instruments go beyond conventional sound libraries, crafted into living instruments that move and resonate with sound.

Browse MNTRA Instruments


Here are a few of the more popular MNTRA instruments:

MNTRA Instruments Tenebrae

MNTRA Instruments Tenebrae

Exhumed synthetic textures from SNAKES OF RUSSIA

LA-based artist Joseph Holiday creates apocalyptic electronic visions (affectionately described as ‘Death Beats’) under the moniker SNAKES OF RUSSIA. His singular sound weaves together textured modular synth patches with gritty drum samples, all slammed through destructive chains of unobtanium outboard and tape to create a unique world of darkness.

In Tenebrae, our first Artist Series instrument, SNAKES OF RUSSIA opens his personal Pandora’s Box, offering you a deep collection that has been curated from his distinctive sonic palette, yet through our advanced MNDALA 2 engine gives you limitless options to create your own sound. We conceptualized Tenebrae as an exhumed creature, buried for over a century and now resurfaced – bringing the dark dust from the depths of the earth. Transmuted through analog processing and tape; modular and analog synths, obscure bowed instruments and gritty percussion come together to bring the darkness in Tenebrae.

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MNTRA  Vespera

MNTRA Vespera

Transformed Tube Driven Modular Synth

The first installment of our Acoustic Synthesis line, Vespera is a hybrid electro-acoustic synthesizer crafted to explore physical re-synthesis. This instrument utilizes heavily driven tube modular synth oscillations meticulously re-amped and resonated through various physical objects. Vespera transmutes both these sources into a deeply expressive polyphonic instrument that responds intuitively to your slightest touch with SSM™ powered 128+ velocity capability, offering deep reactive sonic variation that surpasses the capabilities of traditional hardware or virtual synths.

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MNTRA Instruments Atma

MNTRA Instruments Atma

Sacred Sounds Suite

Atma is our collection of sacred sound instruments obtained by our award-winning founder & composer, Brian D’Oliveira, during his many pilgrimages to holy sites around the world.

Ranging from ritual healing bells to pitched Aztec volcanic rocks, we creatively sampled these special instruments to explore the potential of our powerful Nonlinear Sound-Design Engine MNDALA 2.

By capturing the rich textures of these ancient instruments with our leading-edge ultrasonic sampling process, we allow you to explore their complex harmonics with a depth and clarity that was previously impossible.

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Posted by Kim Sternisha

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